Terms & conditions
Regulations version 3.0 are effective as of 08.03.2023 r.
You can read the earlier version of the Regulations 2.0 - here
You can read the earlier version of the Regulations 1.0 - here
1. General previsions
1.1 The online shop is available at the following web address: www.roco-fashion.pl (hereinafter: Online Shop) and its extensions.
1.2 The owner of the Internet Shop is Mariusz Ciemcioch conducting business under the name "ROCO" MARIUSZ CIEMCIOCH with its registered seat in Ksawerów (95-054) at Zachodnia 54a Street, Poland, under the following numbers in Poland NIP: 7311087751, REGON: 472069820, BDO: 000195755 (hereinafter: Seller/Owner), e-mail address: biuro@roco-fashion.pl.
1.3 Within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions, the Customer is exclusively an entrepreneur, i.e. a legal person, an organisational unit without legal personality and a natural person conducting business on the basis of an entry in the business register, conducting business or professional activities on their own behalf (hereinafter: the Customer). These Terms and Conditions do not apply to agreements concluded with consumers, i.e. natural persons performing a legal transaction with the Owner which is not directly related to their business or professional activity, and to agreements concluded with natural persons who conclude an agreement directly related to their business activity, when it follows from the content of the agreement that it does not have a professional character for him, resulting in particular from the subject of his business activity, provided on the basis of the provisions of the Central Register of Business Activity and Information.
1.4 Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is voluntary, but necessary in order, for example, to create a Customer Account and, above all, for the Customer to place an Order in the Online Shop.
1.5 The Terms and Conditions are made available free of charge by the Seller in the Online Shop in a way that allows the Customers to get acquainted with their content and consolidate it by printing it or saving it on an external medium, e.g. downloading it as a PDF.
1.6 The information presented in the Online Shop constitutes only an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Article 71 of the Polish Civil Code, addressed by the Seller to the Customers, and not an offer within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code.
1.7 DEFINITIONS Whenever the following capitalized phrases are used in the following section of the Terms and Conditions, they shall be construed in the sense given below unless the context of their use clearly indicates otherwise:
- a. BOK the Seller's Customer Service Office (Biuro Obsługi Klienta), which provides the Customers with information on the scope of the activity conducted by the Internet Shop, in particular on the Products, the activity of the Internet Shop, the Rules and Regulations and current Promotional Campaigns, on working days, during the hours indicated in the Internet Shop, at the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses indicated there.
- b. CART a service made available to a logged-in Customer who uses the Online Shop, consisting of enabling the Customer to easily place an Order for one or several Products, display a summary of the Price of individual Products and all the Products altogether (including possible shipping costs), send the Customer a message about the Products remaining in the Cart or a failed transaction (transaction e-mail). The shopping cart collects the offers made by the Customer to conclude a Sales Contract, i.e. more than one offer to conclude a Sales Contract can be made within one Order.
- c. CONTENT/Content - text, graphic or multimedia elements (e.g. information about Products, photos of Products, promotional films, descriptions, comments), including works within the meaning of the Polish Act on Copyright and Related Rights and images of natural persons, which are placed and disseminated within the scope of the Internet Shop by the Seller, the Seller's contractors, the Customer or any other person using the Internet Shop, respectively.
- d. CONTRACT OF SALE - a contract of sale within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code, concerning the sale of a Product by the Seller to the Customer against payment of the Price plus any additional charges, including shipping costs, the terms of which are set out in particular in these Regulations. The Sales Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Seller with the use of means of distance communication, after acceptance of the Order by the Seller under the terms and conditions specified in these Regulations. The Sales Agreement specifies, in particular, the Product, its main features, the Price, shipping costs and other relevant conditions. Each Product is subject to a separate Sales Agreement. Within the functionality of the Internet Shop, the Seller, for objective (materially justified) reasons, may reserve the conclusion of only one Contract for several Products due to a direct connection between the Products - e.g. a Promotional Set, according to the content of the Terms and Conditions of the Promotional Campaign.
- e. CUSTOMER ACCOUNT - Electronic Service; marked with an individual name, which is the e-mail address (Login) and Password provided by the Customer, a set of resources in the Seller's ICT system, allowing the Customer to place Orders and use additional functionalities/services. The Customer accesses his/her Account by means of the Login and Password. The Customer logs into his/her Account after registering with the Online Shop. The Account allows for saving and storing information about the Customer's address details for the dispatch of Products, access to the Order history and other services made available by the Seller.
- f. DROPSHIPPING PARTNER - a Customer who, on the basis of a submitted application, and after obtaining the Seller's approval, is entitled to use the Store's functionalities on different terms and conditions from other Customers in the manner specified in these Terms and Conditions.
- g. ELECTRONIC SERVICE - provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of the Polish Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means, by the Seller to the Customer via the Internet Shop, in accordance with the Service Agreement. To the extent that the services are provided by entities cooperating with the Seller, the relevant provisions concerning the rules of use of these services are contained in the regulations on the provision of services by these entities.
- h. ENTREPRENEUR AS A CONSUMER - under the EU law a Customer who is a natural person concluding a contract directly related to his/her business activity, when it follows from the content of this contract that it does not have a professional character for him/her, resulting in particular from the subject of his/her business activity.
- i. LOGIN - the Customer's e-mail address provided within the Shop when creating an Account.
- j. NEWSLETTER - Electronic Service that enables all Customers using it to receive periodic information from the Seller, in particular about the Products, the Online Shop, to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, with the Customer's express consent.
- k. ORDER - Customer's declaration of intent expressing a direct will to conclude a Distance Sales Agreement placed by means of distance communication, specifying the Product for which the Customer is making an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement and the Customer's data necessary for the possible conclusion and performance of a Sales Agreement. The order of each Product shall be treated as an independent offer of the Customer to conclude a Sales Agreement (technical facilitation).
- l. PRICE - the amount of remuneration net specified in Polish zloty or in another currency (to which VAT should be added at the amount current at the moment of placing the Order) due to the Seller for transferring the ownership of the Product to the Customer in accordance with the Sales Agreement. The price does not include delivery costs.
- m. PRODUCT - a movable item available in the Online Shop which is the subject of a Sales Contract between the Customer and the Seller, against payment of the Price.
- n. Terms and Conditions - this document setting out the rules of concluding Sales Agreements and the rules of providing and using services made available by the Seller through the Store to Customers. The Terms and Conditions define the rights and obligations of the Customer and the Seller. With regard to services provided electronically, these Terms and Conditions are the regulations referred to in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on electronic services.
2. Rules for the use of the online shop
2.1 The use of the Online Shop may only take place on the terms and to the extent indicated in the Terms and Conditions.
2.2 The use of the Online Shop requires that the end device and the ICT system used by the Customer meet the relevant technical requirements. The minimum technical requirements of the User's device allowing full and correct use of the Internet Shop:
- a. a device with access to the Internet;
- b. the latest version of the web browser.
2.3 The Seller declares that it makes every effort to ensure that Customers have continuous access to the Online Shop and the Services provided. However, the Seller does not guarantee that the use of the Online Shop will be without errors or technical interruptions. The Seller reserves the right to suspend or restrict access to the Online Store at any time, without prior notice to Customers.
2.4 The Seller is not responsible for the content of other websites and portals to which the Customer may be redirected via links from the Online Shop.
3. Electronic sercives in the online shop
3.1 The Seller provides the following Electronic Services to Customers free of charge via the Online Shop:
- a. Customer account, if registered ;
- b. enabling Customers to place Orders, conclude Sales Agreements;
- c. enabling customers to use the services of the Shopping Cart;
- d. to allow you to browse Content placed on the Shop, including marketing content.
3.2 The Seller additionally provides the following services free of charge via the Online Shop for Customers who have created an Account:
- a. maintaining the Customer's session after the Customer logs into the Account (using the browser);
- b. storing and making available to the Customer via the Account the history of Orders;
- c. enable changes to the Customer's data in the Account;
- d. sending a reminder message about the products in the customer's shopping basket.
3.3 A Customer who has the status of a Consumer or Entrepreneur as a Consumer may not have a Customer Account in the Online Shop.
3.4 Use of the Account is possible after the Customer has completed the following steps together:
- a. Filling in the registration form by indicating your e-mail address, address data, password and consent to the processing of personal data, accepting the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;
- b. Verification of the application by the Owner, consisting of manual activation of the Customer's Account, which will take place after verification of the provided data and the subject of business activity in the Polish CEIDG or KRS databases (or others, when necessary) by an employee of the Seller. The Seller reserves the right not to register a Customer Account without stating reasons.
- c. If, as a result of the verification referred to in letter c, the Seller activates the Customer's Account, the BOK will send the Customer an e-mail informing him of the successful establishment of the Customer's Account.
3.5 It is also possible to set up a Customer Account via a link provided by the Shop's BOK directly to the Customer's email inbox. This applies only to those Customers who have previously started working with the Seller and have given their consent.
3.6 The Agreement for the Provision of Services is concluded as soon as the Customer receives the confirmation of the registration of the Customer's Account, sent by the Seller to the email address provided by the Customer in the course of registration. The Account is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer may, at any time and without stating any reason, delete the Account by sending an appropriate request to the Seller, in particular via e-mail or in writing to the Seller's address. Creating an Account is required in order to place an Order in the Online Shop.
3.7 The Seller may terminate the Service Agreement in the form of a Customer Account with immediate effect if:
- a. The Customer is in arrears to the Seller for non-payment of any VAT invoice and, despite receiving a demand for payment, has still not paid the amounts indicated in the demand for payment;
- b. The Customer does not use the Customer Account for more than 06 months,
- c. The Customer is in breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions;
- d. The Customer has changed the object of its business, which results in the Customer acquiring the status of a Consumer or Entrepreneur as a Consumer.
3.8 The notice referred to in paragraph 3.7 may be given in any form.
3.9 The use of the Cart begins when the Customer adds the first Product to the Shopping Cart.
3.10 The Customer wishing to use the Cart must log in to the Customer Account.
3.11 The Cart is provided free of charge and is a one-time service, which terminates when the Order is placed through it or when the Customer discontinues placing the Order through it in advance.
3.12 In particular, the customer is obliged to:
- a. to provide only true, current and all necessary data of the Customer in the forms made available within the Online Shop;
- b. promptly update the data, including personal data, provided by the Customer to the Seller in connection with the conclusion of the Service Agreement or Sales Agreement, in particular to the extent that it is necessary for their proper execution;
- c. use the services and functionalities made available by the Seller in a way that does not disturb the functioning of the Seller and the Onlinet Shop;
- d. use the services and functionalities made available by the Seller in a manner compliant with the provisions of applicable law, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, as well as with the accepted custom and rules of social coexistence in a given scope;
- e. use the services and functionalities made available by the Seller in a manner that is not onerous for other Customers and the Seller;
- f. timely payment of the Price and other costs agreed between the Customer and the Seller in full;
- g. timely receipt of the Products;
- h. verify with the carrier (courier) that the goods have been delivered complete and without defects. If the goods are damaged by the carrier, a damage report must be drawn up and the Seller must be informed;
- i. not to provide or submit within the Online Shop any prohibited Content, in particular Content which infringes upon third parties' proprietary copyrights or their personal rights;
- j. not taking actions such as:
- to distribute or upload to the Online Shop Content that violates the law (prohibition of unlawful content);
- to undertake IT or any other action aimed at gaining access to information not intended for the Customer, including other Customers' data, or at interfering with the principles or technical aspects of the operation of the Store and processing payments;
- modify in an unauthorised manner the Content provided by the Seller, in particular the Prices or Product descriptions provided as part of the Online Shop;
- 3.13 Both the Customer and the Seller may terminate the contract for electronic services at any time and without giving a reason. The termination should be done by sending an email to the address of the other party to the contract for electronic services. The notice period is 07 days.
- 3.14 Complaints relating to the provision of Electronic Services can be submitted by email or to the Seller's address.
- 3.15 It is recommended that the Customer provide in the description of the complaint: (1) information and circumstances concerning the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the irregularity; (2) the Customer's request and (3) contact details of the entity for which the goods were purchased and details of the person making the complaint (4) the order number - this will facilitate and accelerate the consideration of the complaint by the Seller. The requirements specified in the preceding sentence are in the form of a recommendation only and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted with the omission of the recommended description of the complaint.
- 3.16 The Seller shall respond to the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of its submission, unless a different period is specified by law or separate regulations.
4. Conditions for entering into a sales contract
4.1 A Sales Contract can only be concluded with a Customer who has a Customer Account.
4.2 The main features of the performance, including the subject matter of the performance and the method of communication with the Customer, are specified on the Product page or in another manner appropriate to the Product, within the Online Shop.
4.3 As part of the development of the Products or services available at the Online Shop and due to their specific nature, the Seller may introduce restrictions as to the ways of placing Orders for specific Products. In the case of placing several Orders at the same time, of which the limitation referred to above applies to at least one, this may affect the availability of the methods of placing Orders for the remaining ones as well.
4.4 The conclusion of the Sales Contract between the Customer and the Seller takes place after the Customer has placed an Order.
4.5 The minimum order value is PLN 500,00 net.
4.6 The Seller enables the Customer to place an Order via the Online Shop as follows, in sequence:
- a. The Customer logs into his/her Customer Account;
- b. The Customer adds the selected Product(s) to the Cart and then proceeds to the order form;
- c. The Customer confirms in the order form the validity of the data necessary for the conclusion and realisation of the Sales Agreement. If it is necessary to change the data, this must be done via the Customer's Account. In any case, the provision of outdated or false data of the Customer may prevent the fulfilment of the Contract. The Seller may ask for PKD numbers of the entrepreneur.
- d. The Customer chooses the method of payment Price including taxes and any other total costs of the Sales Agreement indicated on the order form.
- e. The Customer sends the Seller an Order (submits an offer).
- f. During the placement of the Order, until the order confirmation button is pressed, the Customer has the possibility to correct the data entered on his/her own within the "Basket" panel by adding or removing a given item from the Basket. The deletion of an item may result in the automatic deletion of another item from the Basket as well, due to the direct relationship between the Products.
- g. Depending on the payment method selected, the Customer may be redirected to the pages of a third-party payment service provider to make payment.
4.7 The Seller in response to the Order shall immediately send an automatic message to the Customer at the e-mail address provided by the Customer for this purpose confirming receipt of the Order.
4.8 Once the Order has been verified, without unreasonable delay, the Seller sends a message to the Customer at the e mail address provided with:
- a. confirmation of acceptance of one or more individual offers for the Products, made as part of the Order and confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement (acceptance of the Order with respect to the Products indicated in the message); or
- b. information about the impossibility of accepting all offers for the Products made under the Order,
- c. information that the consignment has not been collected,
- d. information on non-payment of the Price.
4.9 The Sales Contract is concluded upon confirmation of the offer(s), i.e. receipt by the Customer of the message referred to above with regard to the Products indicated therein.
4.10 If it is not possible to accept all or some of the offers made within the Order, the BOK will contact the Customer to:
- a. inform the Customer that it is not possible to accept all offers to conclude a Sales Contract made under the Order; or
- b. confirmation of the Customer's willingness to carry out the Order in the part in which the Seller has agreed to accept the offer to conclude the Sales Agreement.
4.11 If it is not possible to accept the offer(s) made under the Order, the Sales Contract in respect of the Products indicated by the BOK is not concluded and the Seller shall immediately, no later than within 14 days, return to the Customer the payments made by the Customer to the extent that the Sales Contract has not been concluded.
4.12 Independently, the Seller may inform the Customer of the status of the Order, in particular by sending messages to the e-mail address provided by the Customer, by SMS or by telephone contact.
4.13 The total value of the Order includes the Price, shipping costs and any other costs of optional paid services selected by the Customer. The Seller may, during a period selected by the Seller, specify a threshold for the minimum value of the Order for which shipment of the Products is free of charge. The Customer is informed about the total price including taxes of the Product being the subject of the Order, as well as about the costs of delivery (including transport, delivery and postal services fees) and other costs, and when the amount of such fees cannot be determined - about the obligation to pay them, the Customer is informed while placing the Order, including at the moment of expressing the Customer's will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
4.14 The Seller reserves the ownership of the Product that is the subject of the Sales Contract until the total Price including all taxes has been paid for the Product. This means that the Seller shall be the owner of the Product until the amount due for the Product being the subject of the Sales Contract and other amounts due under the Sales Contract have been paid in full.
5. Payment methods and deadlines for the product
5.1 The Seller makes available to the Customer various methods of payment for the Sales Agreement, in particular electronic payments, payment card payments, via authorised third-party services, deferred payments via authorised third-party services such as PayPal according to the information made available within the framework of the Online Shop.
5.2 The currently available payment methods are specified in the Online Shop, at the moment the Customer expresses his/her will to be bound by the Sales Contract. The available payment methods may depend on the delivery method or the Product selected by the Customer. The available payment methods may change when several Orders are placed at the same time, in particular with regard to the Products covered by them.
5.3 Settlement of electronic payment and payment card transactions is carried out according to the Customer's choice via authorised services.
5.4 If the Seller does not receive payment from a Customer who has chosen to pay in advance, pay electronically or pay by payment card, BOK may contact the Customer to remind him/her of the payment and the abandoned shopping cart, including by sending an email.
5.5 Sales prices presented in foreign currencies may, if necessary, be converted to PLN at the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day preceding the invoice date.
5.6 The cost of delivery of the Products will be added to the invoice as set out in the Order.
5.7 VAT will be added to the prices of the Products in accordance with the applicable legislation.
5.8 The Customer authorises the Seller to issue VAT invoices without the signature of a person authorised to receive them on behalf of the Customer.
5.9 The payment term shall be deemed to have been observed as soon as the Seller's account has been credited with the amount due as indicated on the invoice no later than on the due date.
5.10 The Owner shall be entitled to suspend the performance of any Order in the event of the existence of any arrears of payment by the Customer to the Seller until any arrears of payment by the Customer have been settled. In such event, the Owner shall not incur any liability to the Customer for non-performance of the Contract, and the Customer waives̨ any claiḿ therefor.
6. Cost, means and time of delivery of the product
6.1 Delivery of the Product is made via the postal operator or courier company selected by the Customer when placing the order.
6.2 The delivery of the Product to the Customer is chargeable, unless the Sales Contract states otherwise. The currently available Product delivery costs are indicated to the Customer in the Online Shop at the moment of expressing the Customer's will to be bound by the Sales Contract.
6.3 The methods of delivery available may depend on the method of payment chosen by the Customer or the Product. The available delivery methods may change when several Orders are placed at the same time, in particular with regard to the Products covered by them.
6.4 The total waiting time for the Customer to receive the Product (delivery time) consists of the time for the Seller to prepare the Order for dispatch (up to 5 working days from the date of placing the order) and the time for the Product to be delivered by the carrier.
6.5 Delivery is available to Poland, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden.
7. Intellectual property rights
7.1 All rights to the Online Shop, and in particular copyright, intellectual property rights to its name, internet domain, as well as to the forms, legal documents, logos, trademarks, text, graphics, photos, and other content posted by the Seller belong to the Seller, and their use may only take place in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
7.2 It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, modify, multiply or disseminate any part of the Online Store, the Service or its elements without the prior written consent of the Seller, except as expressly permitted by applicable law and these Terms and Conditions. The Seller may take steps, including through legal proceedings, to protect its own interests and the interests of the Customers of the Online Store.
7.3 The rights to use, copy and distribute the data available on the site are subject to the provisions of the Polish Copyright and Related Rights Act.
7.4 The use of the Online Shop data for commercial purposes may only take place after prior notification to and written consent from the Seller.
8. Protection of personal data
8.1 The data protection principles are set out in the document Privacy Policy.
8.2 The rules for the use of cookies on the Website are set out in the document Cookies Policy.
9. Performance of sales contracts and liability
9.1 From the moment the Product is released by the Seller to the carrier, the benefits and burdens associated with the Product and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Product are transferred to the Customer. In such a case, the Seller shall not be liable for any loss, loss or damage to the Product occurring from its acceptance for carriage until its release to the Customer, or for any delay in the carriage of the consignment.
9.2 In accordance with Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the Seller's liability under warranty for the Product towards the Customer who is not a Consumer or Entrepreneur-Consumer is excluded.
9.3 Neither the Vendor nor its employees, authorised representatives and vicarious agents shall be liable to the Customer, its subcontractors, employees, authorised representatives and/or vicarious agents for any damage, including loss of profit, unless the damage was caused by them intentionally.
9.4 In each case of establishing the liability of the Seller, its employees, authorised representatives and/or attorneys-in-fact, the liability in relation to the Customer who is not a Consumer, regardless of its legal basis, shall be limited - both within the framework of a single claim and for all claims in total - to the amount of the paid Price and delivery costs for the last Sales Contract, but not more than one thousand PLN.
9.5 The Customer is obliged to collect the Product(s), at the time and place indicated in the Order confirmation.
9.6 In the event that the Product(s) delivered to the Customer does not correspond to the specifications of the Order, oŕ the Order has not been placed at all or has been placed by an unauthorised person, the Customer is obliged to return the Product(s) to the Owner on the next working day. The costs of delivery will be borne by the Customer.
9.7 The Customer shall be fully responsiblé for checking the conformity of the Products delivered with the accompanying invoice and the Order at the time of receipt of the Products.
9.8 As a condition for asserting any claimś for shortages, damage to the consignment and non-compliance of the VAT invoice with the Order, at the time of delivery, a report must be drawn up with the participation of an employee of the courier company or the delivery must be refused and the Supplier must be notified immediately by contacting the BOK.
9.9 The Seller has the right to disregard́ complaints in respect of claimś made after receipt of the parcel from the courier company or other carrier.
9.10 Failure to collect the Products within the specified time limit will entitle the Seller to charge a contractual penalty in the amount of PLN 10 (in words: ten zloty) for each daý of delay in collection, on account of storage costs, with the Owner having the right to claiḿ supplementary damages up to the full amount of the damage suffered.
9.11 The Seller shall not be liable for damage due to delivery errors or delayś caused by an act or omission of the carrier or courier company.
10. Dropshipping partner
10.1 The provisions of this clause shall only apply to those Customers who have been granted access to the Customer Account in the Dropshipping Partner formula on the basis of a separate consent of the Seller.
10.2 A Customer who wishes to become a Dropshiping Partner must set up a basic Customer Account as set out in the Terms and Conditions and should apply to become a Dropshipping Partner.
10.3 The Seller may refuse the Customer's request without stating reasons.
10.4 A customer who has acquired Dropshiping Partner status is not obliged to place an Order with a minimum net amount of PLN 500.
10.5 The customer is granted the status of Dropshipping Partner for an indefinite period of time.
10.6 The Merchant may terminate the agreement with the Customer on the Dropshipping Partner formula at any time without indicating reasons.
10.7 It is the obligation of the Dropshipping Partner to place Orders no later than in the third month and each month thereafter after the Customer has been granted Dropshipping Partner status, in the number of at least 20 Orders per month under pain of losing Dropshipping Partner status.
10.8 The Dropshipping Partner enjoys preferential terms of delivery of the Product to the Dropshipping Partner's customer. The Dropshipping Partner has the option to:
- a. Self-generate and send a consignment note to the Seller's e-mail address, which will entail the obligation of the Seller to send the consignment in accordance with the consignment note generated by the Dropshipping Partner for an additional fee each time indicated by the Seller;
- b. Indicate the customer address of the Dropshipping Partner in the comment to the Order, which will entail the obligation of the Seller to send the parcel to the address indicated in the comment for an additional fee in the amount indicated by the Seller in each case;
- c. To have the parcel containing the Order sent to the Dropshipping Partner's business address.
10.9 In matters not covered by this section of the Rules, the other provisions of the Rules shall apply.
11. Final provisions
11.1 The regulations in version 3.0 enter into force on 08.03.2023 r.
11.2 In matters not covered by these Terms & Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply.
11.3 All disputes arising from these Terms & Conditions shall be governed by Polish law.
11.4 Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the Seller's registered office in Poland.
11.5 The content of these Terms and Conditions is subject to change. The Seller may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time pursuant to generally applicable provisions of law. The Seller will inform about all changes in advance.